Determining the sample size for a randomized control is a critical part of trial planning. The calculators here are built upon the concept of leveraging prior information in research networks to maximize the power of randomized controlled trials. The assumption is made that a prior dataset that describes the network of evidence is available to use for these calculations. the researchers are interested in calculating the sample size required to reach a predefined power for a future study with a binary outcome based on the previous network. Here we provided two calculators that can be used depending upon the scenario.
*Scenario 1: Designing a direct two-arm trial when both treatments are in the network *
For this scenario, the assumption is that both treatments are already in the network, but there is currently no trial comparing the two treatments in the existing network. This calculator was created by Fangshu Ye. The publication for this work is in review.
*Scenario 2: Designing a direct two-arm trial when both treatments are in the network *
The scenario of interest is that two treatments are already in the network, either directly or indirectly connected, but one of the goals of the new trial is to include a novel treatment not already represented in the network. This calculator was created by Dr. Dapeng Hu. The publication for this work is in review.