2025 Protocols
A scoping review: How can livestock movement networks inform disease surveillance and control at the global scale? Sara Alexandra Correia Sequeira and Jessica Page Received January 2025
2024 Protocols
A scoping review Characterization of the approach to controlling for biasing pathways in epidemiological studies of residential exposure to animal feeding operations and human health: A scoping review protocol.B. Alexander Fonseca Martinez, Annette M. O’Connor, Sarah Totton, Received January 2024
How complete is the reporting of the assumptions required for causal inference in population-based prevalence studies investigating health outcomes among people living near animal feeding operations? A scoping review protocol. B. Alexander Fonseca Martinez, Annette M. O’Connor, Jan M. Sargeant, Sarah Totton, Chong Wang Received January 2024
Level of biosecurity implementation in poultry farms across COST Global networking countries: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Andrea Laconi;Giuditta Tilli; Alessandra Piccirillo April 2024
Protocol for a Scoping Review - PCR and Culture Protocols for Detecting Mycobacterium bovis from Milk or Colostrum Samples in Dairy Cattle Florencia Espel, Josefina Vera, B. Alexander Fonseca Martinez, Alejandra Suanes, Catalina Picasso-Risso April 2024
Occurrence of Rabies and other viral diseases that affect the CNS of cattle and equines: systematic literature review and meta-analysis C.E.B.R. Moura , M. F. Bento, B.B.G. Torres, B. S. Vieira, V. M. B. D. de Moura September 2024
Avian Influenza in Americas: A Scoping Review Protocol of its Distribution, Affected Species, and Viral Subtypes. Semprebon, M. V., Gueretz, J.S., Lopes, R.B., Peripolli, V. (2024, October 16). https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/KJ3GW
Are biosecurity measures effective in diseases control in livestock farms in Africa? A systematic review and meta-analysis Ronald Vougat Ngom, Adonis M. M. Akoussa, Gaspard J. Ayissi Received February 2024
Protocol for a Scoping/Systematic Review: Measuring occupational exposure for veterinary personnel involved with 18F-FDG PET/CT
Lisa Carstens, , Erik Fausak, Mathieu Spriet. Received March 2024Efficacy of supplementation of probiotic and prebiotic on gastrointestinal health in cats : Protocol for a Scoping Review:
Angela Lopez Marti, Carlos, Helena Lopez, Antonia Rancho, April 2024- A scoping/systematic review of PFAS mitigation strategies for experimentally exposed fruits and vegetables. Annette O'Connor, Jan Sargeant, April 2024
Reporting and characterization of assumptions required for causal inference in case-control studies on health effects of animal feeding operations: A scoping/systematic review .Alexander Fonseca Martinez, Annette M. O’Connor, Jan M. Sargeant, Sarah Totton, Chong Wang May 2024
Antimicrobial resistance and residues in biofilm from livestock farms: a protocol for a scoping review. Andrea Laconi;Zehra Irshad;Roberta Tolosi; Alessandra Piccirillo Received in July 2024
- Interventions for Salmonella contamination in raw poultry products during processing: Protocol for a scoping review and evidence map Annette O'Connor and Sarah Totton. Received in November 2024
2023 Protocols
A scoping review on the impact of bovine paratuberculosis on production parameters and economic effects. Silja Griss, Tanja Knific, Luís Pedro Carmo, Gertraud Schüpbach, Matjaž Ocepek, Mireille Meylan, Beat Thomann Received Oct 2023
Protocol of the scoping review – Biosecurity measures assessment at animal farm level in Africa. Ronald Vougat Ngom; Mohamed M. M. Mouiche; Gaspard J. Ayissi; Stephane Ziebe Dama; Adonis M. M. Akoussa; Andrea Laconi; Giuditta Tilli; Alessandra Piccirillo . Received Sept 2023
Protocol for a Scoping Review: Biosecurity Practices in Small-scale and Backyard Farms Raising Livestock and/or Poultry in Developed Countries. UC Davis: University Library. Di Francesco, J., Isenhower, E., Fausak, E. D, Silva Del Rio, N., & Pires, A. F. (2023). Posted January 2023 Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1tv0d9d7
The prevalence of mastitis in dairy ruminant of Indonesia: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dian Meididewi Nuraini, Morsid Andityas, Peerapol Sukhon, Patchara Phuektes (2023) Posted January 2023 Retrieved from https://osf.io/u9egh/
Global Prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae in raw milk of dairy cow: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dian Meididewi Nuraini, Morsid Andityas, Peerapol Sukhon, Patchara Phuektes. Posted January 2023 Retrieved from https://osf.io/mhacj/
Protocol of the scoping review on Vector-borne zoonoses of domestic fauna in Central Africa. Tene-Kenne Sandrine, Oumate Ibrahim, Vougat Ngom Ronald, Mpouam Serge Eugene , Mohamed Moctar Mouliom Mouiche Posted March 2023 Retrieved from https://syreaf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Protocol-of-the-scoping-review-vector-borne.pdf
Outcomes used to measure the welfare of cultured salmonids: a scoping review
Zarah Deutsch, Joy Mench, Briana Hagan, Carly Moody. Received May 2023
What is the needle we are trying to move in access to veterinary care (A2VC)? A scoping review of risk factors for access to veterinary care, metrics of access to veterinary care, and consequences of access to veterinary care. Annette M. O’Connor Sarah Totton, Michelle Hernandez, Emily Meyers, Kelley Meyers, Hilda Mejia Abreu. Received July 2023
Diagnostic and treatment of pyelonephritis in cats and dogs: A scoping review protocol Karolina Scahill, Lena Pelander, Marnie L. Brennan, Isabelle Nesterud, Britt-Marie Bergquist, Carl Ekstrand Received March 2023
Efficacy of dam vaccination for the prevention of neonatal diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli in calves: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Higgs, C., Breiitenbuecher, J., Pablo Gomez, J., Samah, F., Fausak, E. D, Van Noord, M., & Ute Maier, G. Received April 2023

Defining Dominance in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris): A Scoping Review with Recommendations for Human-Canine Interactions. da Vinci, G., Fausak, E. D, & Grigg, E. K. Received April 2023 UC Davis: University Library. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0hd0q79s
Exploring the evidence base on Vitis vinifera toxicity in dogs after ingestion - clinical effects, treatments and management practices: A scoping review protocol. Joshua Downs, Agnieszka Zoltowska, Thomas Hackney, David S. Gardner, Alison Ashmore, Marnie L. Brennan Recived July 2023
Thermal and nutritional stress in beef cattle: a scoping review Natalia Irari Aline Cristina Sant'Anna Mateus José Rodrigues Paranhos da Costa Javier Sanchez Juan Manuel Clariget Maria Eugênia A. Canozzi Received July 10th 2023
Neotropical avian poisoning by pharmaceuticals and pesticides: a scoping review. Kane Colston, Nicola Rooney, Nick Cherbanich, Mariam Logunleko, Juan ManuelGrande, Irene Bueno. Received Nov 2023
Protocol for a Scoping Review - Biosecurity in Dairy Calf Production: Producers Knowledge and Farm-Level Practices. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PGWT3. Martinez, B. A. F., Page, J. R., Habing, G., & Mayorga, A. A. Received Nov 2023

2022 Protocols
A systematic review on the presence of Salmonella spp. in farmed Tenebrio molitor and Acheta domesticus or their derivative products * Filippo Marzoli, Juliane Pinarelli Fazion. Pietro Antonelli. Simone Belluco, Michela Bertola, Giulia Cento, Lisa Barco, Beatrice Dolzan, Posted November 2022
Is antibiotic treatment efficacious to treat or prevent/control colibacillosis in broiler production? An amendment protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ronald Vougat Ngom, Gaspard J. Ayissi, Akenghe Tanyienow, Giuditta Tilli, Helena C. de Carvalho Ferreira, Alessandra Piccirillo (Posted November 2022)
Are management measures efficacious to prevent or control colibacillosis in broilers production chain? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Giuditta Tilli, Ronald Vougat Ngom*, Gunther Antonissen, Yewande Fasina5, Karolina Scahill, Jeanine Wiegel, Gaspard Junior Ayissi, Niamh Cleiren, Akenghe Tanyienow, Jane Njaramba, Helena C. de Carvalho Ferreira, Alessandra Piccirillo (Posted November 2022)
Prevalence of leptospirosis in cats through different diagnostic methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis.* Morsid Andityas, Dian Meididewi Nuraini, Pornphutthachat Sota, Shih Keng Loong, Peerapol Sukon, Prasarn Tangkawattana, Banchob Sripa, Sirikachorn Tangkawattana J (posted November 2nd 2022).
Exploration of the known foodborne enteric health risks associated with plant-based and/or simulated meat, poultry, and seafood products: A scoping review protocol.* Doctor, Tanushka; Gelda, Krishna S.; Nesbitt, Andrea; MacKinnon, Melissa C.; Roberts, Allison; Reid-Smith, Richard J (posted 22nd August 2022).
Protocol for a systematic review* of different antimicrobial treatment options for bovine respiratory disease complex in feedlot cattle, housed dairy calves, veal calves or beef calves using the incidence of retreatment as the outcome of interest**. L. Schönecker , B. Friker, M. Cargnel, L. P. Carmo, L. Guardabassi, S. Buczinski, B. Pardon, A. Woolums, P-L. Toutain, L.M. Ånestad, M. Stokstad, C. Firth posted 19th July 2022
The use of implementation theories, models, and frameworks in veterinary medicine – protocol for a scoping review. Rosemary Reyneke, Imogen Richens, Heather Buchanan, Bethan Davies, Alison Ashmore, Marnie Brennan.
Protocol of the scoping review – Public health risk assessments of antimicrobial resistance from poultry, cattle and pig. Ronald Vougat Ngom , Luís Pedro Carmo , Laura Da Silva , Farra Dima, Gertraud Schüpbach.
Is biosecurity efficacious to prevent or control colibacillosis in broiler production? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Giuditta Tilli, Ronald Vougat Ngom, Ilias Apostolakos, Surya Paudel, Helena C. de Carvalho Ferreira, Alessandra Piccirillo
Is vaccination efficacious to prevent or control colibacillosis in broiler production? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surya Paudel, Ilias Apostolakos *, Giuditta Tilli, Ronald Vougat Ngom, Helena C. de Carvalho Ferreira, Alessandra Piccirillo,
Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) molecular prevalence comparing with others domestic cats’ viruses: a systematic review protocol P. A. Scarabucci, P. B. Costa, A. D. Damasceno, B. S. Vieira, V. M. B. D. de Moura (2022)
Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) seroprevalence comparing with others domestic cats’ viruses: a systematic review protocol P. A. Scarabucci, M. F. Bento, A. D. Damasceno, B. S. Vieira, V. M. B. D. de Moura (2022)
A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of changes in average daily gain (ADG) and mortality associated with the use of commercially available Porcine Circovirus II (PCV-II) vaccines in swine naturally infected with PCV-II: A protocol for an update. Annette O’Connor, Derald Holtkamp (2022)
Protocol of the scoping review – Highest priority critically important antimicrobials resistance in food producing animals in Africa. Ronald Vougat Ngom, Gaspard J. Ayissi Ayissi, Frédéric Moffo, Saleh Mohammed Jajere, Hippolyte Watsop MekuikoMohamed Moctar Mouliom Mouiche, Gertraud Schüpbach, Luís Pedro Carmo.
Animal research in the Canadian Arctic: A scoping review protocol : Jan Sargeant, Ellen Vriezen
Protocol for a scoping review of precision technologies for cattle monitoring. University of Calgary. Besler, B., Mojabi, P., Murphy, J. E., Wang, Z., Baker, R., Pearson, J., & Fear, E. (August 2022).
Antimicrobial use for the treatment of canine pyoderma: a protocol for a systematic review Emi Barker, Sian-Marie Frosini, Anette Loeffler Received Oct 2022

2021 Protocols
Antimicrobial and gastrointestinal nutraceutical (probiotic, prebiotic, synbiotic) treatment of acute canine diarrhea: a protocol for a systematic review Cameron Prior, Karolina Scahill, Melanie Werner, David Singleton, Marnie Brennan, Lisbeth Rem Jessen (2021)
A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Antibiotic Interventions of Liver Abscess in Feedlot Cattle. AM O’Connor, P Morley, A Fonsecamartinez, S Totton (2021)
The Use of Telepathology in Veterinary Medicine: A Scoping Review Protocol. Rogers, L. Ganshorn, H., Galezowski, A., Goldsmith, D. Legge, C. Davies, J. (2021).
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in companion animal surgery: protocol for a scoping review. Fergus Allerton* Tina Møller Sørensen, Nonke Hopman, J Scott Weese, Jorge Espinel Ruperez, Denis R Verwilghen, Alexandra Vilén, Stephen Baines, Marnie Brennan, Els Broens, Mentor Alishani Mirja Nolff, Ludovic Pelligrand, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Lisbeth Rem Jessen
Protocol for the systematic review of strategies used in beef cattle to prevent or control internal or external parasites. Agbese, Samuel; Sanguinetti, V. Margarita; Gilleard, John; Ganshorn, Heather; Windeyer, M. Claire
Oral Ca supplementation in dairy cows: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Valldecabres, A., Bernal-Cordoba, C., Lopes, R. B, Fausak, E. D, & Silva del Rio, N. (2021).
Persistence of Antibiotics in the Natural Environment: Scoping Review Protocol. Irene Bueno, Huan He, Andre Nault, Sarah Ziemann, Lauren Degn, William A. Arnold, Kristine H. Wammer.
Feed supplementation in the ingestive behavior of sheep under grazing: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Gabriela Oliveira de Aquino Monteiro ([email protected])1,*, Gelson dos Santos Difante Francisca Fernanda da Silva Roberto , Carolina Marques Costa Antonio Leandro Chaves Gurgel, Marcos Antonio Ferreira Junior
Sanguinetti, V. M., Ganshorn, H., Agbese, S., Windeyer, M.C. (2021)
Sheila Keay, Jan Sargeant, Annette O’Connor, Terri O’Sullivan, Robert Friendship, Zvonimir Poljak. 2021. Protection of piglets against influenza A viruses from vaccine- derived maternal immunity – A systematic review and meta-analysis. https://atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10214/24720/KeayEtAl2021_IAVSvaccineMDIProtocol.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Atoji, Katia; de Almeida Oliveira, Ana Alix Mendes; Weary, Daniel M. Assessing the impact of housing on the welfare of horses: A Scoping Review Protocol. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2429/77250

2019 Protocols
Food Insecurity among African Americans in the United States, A Scoping Review. Elizabeth Dennard, Elizabeth Kristjansson, Nedelina Tchangalova, Sarah Totton, Donna Winham, and Annette O’Connor. Please note this is NOT an official Campbell Review however, we used the Campbell template and MECCIR checklist.
The efficacy of dry-off antibiotic treatments in dairy cattle to cure existing intra-mammary infections: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Carrie McMullen, Charlotte B. Winder, David F. Kelton, Annette M. O’Connor, Jan M. Sargeant
Association between passive transfer of immunity and health disorders in veal calves: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Abdallah, A, Francoz, D, Berman, J, Dufour, S, Buczinski, S
Investigating dairy goat kid mortality and associated risk factors: Protocol for a scoping review. Julia Kim, Charlotte Winder, Paula Menzies, Jocelyn Jansen, Jeffrey Wichtel, Cathy Bauman. March 2019.
The prevalence of Campylobacter in live chicken, swine, turkey, and cattle on farms run under commercial conditions in the United States and Canada: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mikayla Plishka, Jan M. Sargeant, Amy Greer, Charlotte Winder. May 2019
Effectiveness of Antimicrobials in the Treatment of Neonatal Diarrhea in Calves: A protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Bernal Cordoba, Erik Davis Fausak, N. Silva del Rio. July 2019
A Protocol for a Scoping Review of the Evidence for the Medicinal Use of Natural Honey and/or its Derivatives in Animals. Nadine Vogt, Jan Sargeant, Danielle Julien
Protocol for a Scoping/Systematic Review: Non-antimicrobial approaches for the prevention or treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis applicable to cow-calf operations. Fausak, E. D, Maier, G., Samah, F., Garzon, A., Van Noord, M., Okello, E., & Angelos, J. (2019).
2018 Protocols
Effects of local anesthesia and/or systemic analgesia on pain caused by cautery disbudding in calves: A protocol for a systematic review. Winder, C.B., C.L. Miltenburg, J.M. Sargeant, A.M. Versluis, T.F. Duffield
The prevalence and mean concentration of Listeria monocytogenes in select ready-to-eat foods: soft cheeses, deli meats, and packaged salads: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Katheryn J. Churchill, Jan M. Sargeant, Jeffrey M. Farber, Annette M. O’Connor, Ali M. Versluis
Protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis: Relative efficacy of antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis in dairy cattle. Charlotte Winder, David Kelton, Annette O’Connor, Ann Godkin, Jan Sargeant
Non-antibiotic, alternative approaches to the nursery phase of swine production: Protocol for a scoping review. Lee Wisener, Jan Sargeant, Terri O’Sullivan, Annette O’Connor. May 2018
Protocol for a scoping review of Influenza A viruses infecting swine or directly related to swine. Sheila Keay, Zvonimir Poljak, Annette O’Connor, Robert Friendship, Terri O Sullivan, Jan Sargeant. May 2018.
A Protocol for a Scoping Review to Examine Studies Investigating Zoonotic Diseases in Canis familaris in North America Since the Beginning of the 21st Century. Danielle A. Julien, Jan M. Sargeant, Catherine Filejski, Ali M. Versluis, Sherilee L. Harper. May 2018.
The efficacy of teat sealants in dairy cows at dry-off to prevent new intra-mammary infections during the dry-period or clinical mastitis during early lactation: A protocol for a systematic review. Jan M. Sargeant, Charlotte Winder, Annette M. O’Connor, Hannah Wood, Julie M. Glanville, David F. Kelton, Stephen LeBlanc, Todd Duffield. June 2018.
The efficacy of antibiotic treatments in dairy cows at dry-off to prevent new intra-mammary infections during the dry-period or clinical mastitis during early lactation: A protocol for a systematic review. Jan M. Sargeant, Charlotte Winder, Annette M. O’Connor, Hannah Wood, Julie M. Glanville, David F. Kelton, Stephen LeBlanc, Todd Duffield. June 2018.
What is the efficacy of viral and bacterial vaccines in feedlot cattle to reduce bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and subsequent antibiotic use? Annette M. O’Connor, Chong Wang, Jan M. Sargeant, Brad White, Robert Larson, Bing Wang, Cheryl Waldner, June 2018
What is the efficacy of metaphylaxis using antibiotics for the prevention of Bovine Respiratory Disease in beef cattle? Annette M. O’Connor, Chong Wang, Jan M. Sargeant, Brad White, Robert Larson, Bing Wang, Cheryl Waldner, June 2018
The efficacy of bacterial vaccines to prevent respiratory diseases in swine: A protocol for a systematic review. Jan Sargeant, Daniel Correia-Lima-Linhares, Charlotte Winder, Annette M. O’Connor, Terri L. O’Sullivan. August 2018.
The efficacy of antibiotics to prevent respiratory diseases in swine: A protocol for a systematic review. Jan Sargeant, Charlotte Winder, Annette O’Connor, Terri O’Sullivan. Sept. 2018
The efficacy of antibiotics to prevent collibacilosis in broiler poultry: A protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Jan M. Sargeant, Anastasia Novy, Catherine M. Logue, Jenny Nicholds, Charlotte Winder, Annette M. O’Connor. Oct. 2018
The efficacy of litter management to prevent disease and/or antibiotic use in broiler poultry: A protocol for a systematic review. Charlotte B. Winder, Jan M. Sargeant, Anastasia Novy, Catherine M. Logue, Yuko Sato, Annette M. O’Connor. Oct. 2018.
Association between passive transfer of immunity and health disorders in veal calves: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Abdallah, A, Francoz, D, Berman,J, Dufour, S, Buczinski, S

Earlier Than 2018
The association between proximity to animal-feeding operations and community health: a protocol for updating a systematic review Published in Systematic Reviews
A protocol for an update of the systematic review of antibiotic treatment options for naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in cattle See supplementary materials in Animal Health Research Reviews Volume 17, Issue 1 (Systematic Reviews) June 2016, pp. 60-75
Efficacy of the canine Lyme vaccine in North America: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Vogt, Nadine; Sargeant, Jan; MacKinnon, Melissa; Versluis, Ali. University of Guelph Depository Oct 13th, 2016